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Serving the needs of South Australians like no other fund can
Super SA has been looking after the superannuation needs of SA Government employees for over 120 years. While a lot has changed in that time, our commitment to serving our own and helping our members live their best lives in retirement has only grown stronger.
And we’re here for you too. Our Business Relationship Managers can help you navigate super in your workplace and are your first point of contact for any questions. Plus, we’ve developed a range of employer resources that you can access right here on this page including the Super SA Member booklet, which helps members understand how Super SA can support them throughout their super journey.
Supporting you and your employees
We know that superannuation can be complex. At Super SA, it’s our goal to make super easy to understand – for you and your employees.

Understanding employer obligations
We can help you with your employer super obligations.
Meet the team
More ways we're supporting you

Super education for employees
Your Business Relationship Manager can provide member education sessions to support your workplace programs. We also offer seminars and webinars covering a range of topics to suit all members. 
Request a workplace visit
Super is too important to leave to chance. We can tailor a face-to-face or online super education session just for your employees. Speak with your Business Relationship Manager or email superbookings@sa.gov.au.
Frequently asked questions
About Fund Selection
Which employees are eligible for Fund Selection?
Most Triple S members (including new South Australian Government employees) are eligible for Fund Selection. Special arrangements apply to Police Officers and Operational SA Ambulance staff. For more details refer to the Employer Guide.
What is the default super fund for SA Government employees?
Triple S, Super SA’s tax-deferred fund, is the default fund for SA Government employees.
How often can an SA Government employee make a fund selection?
Once every 12 months. Employers are not required to accept a request for a fund selection where an employee has made a fund selection within the last 12 months.
Can an SA Government employee make a fund selection back to Super SA?
Yes. Eligible employees may make a fund selection back to Triple S, including if the original fund selection was made to Super SA Select.
Where can I direct an employee to find more information on Fund Selection?
Employees can visit Super SA’s website and should consider seeking financial advice before making a fund selection.
In particular, employees should also ensure that they consider the implications of their fund selection, particularly the loss of any insurance offered through Triple S, before making a decision about Fund Selection.
Where can I find more information on Fund Selection?
Employers can refer to the Employer Guide. Your Business Relationship Managers can also help you with any questions. Give them a call or email DTFSuperSABRMS@sa.gov.au
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About super education for employers
What is the employer portal?
SA Government employers can log in to the portal to pay and process employee super contributions. You can also access tools and tips on how to manage your employer contributions online.
How do I register for the employer portal?Simply email your request to agency@sa.gov.au including your full name, email address, mobile number and the agency details that you are managing contributions for.
Who can log in to the employer portal?
Any employer who is registered to contribute superannuation to Super SA. If you need access, simply contact Super SA Operations on (08) 8214 7820 or email agency@sa.gov.au with your request.
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About super education for members
How can employees learn more about super and their options?
Super SA offers year-round webinars and seminars covering a range of topics to suit all members. You can direct your employees to Super SA’s website to register for any or all the sessions!
Does Super SA run workshops?
We sure do. We can tailor a face-to-face or online super education sessions just for your employees. Simply get in touch with your Business Relationship Manager or email superbookings@sa.gov.au
Where can employees get advice on their super?
Employers should encourage their employees to seek their own financial advice in relation to their personal needs and the options available to them, including Fund Selection.
Questions about a member’s Super SA account or Super SA products (e.g. how insurance works; how to switch investment options; fees) can be directed to our Member Services team.