Super SA Select
Super SA Select
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Super SA Select offers you another super alternative.
Super SA Select is more closely aligned with the Commonwealth Government’s tax rules. As a taxed fund, it can provide South Australian Government employees with a few extra ways of growing super, which are unavailable in the Triple S scheme.
Some of Super SA Select’s benefits include:

Access to Insurance via Triple S
Your Triple S account remains active after joining Super SA Select. With your Triple S account, you can access Income Protection Insurance and Death and Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance.1
Access to the Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset (LISTO)
If you have an adjusted taxable income of $37,000 or less, you may be eligible for the LISTO. The LISTO is a payment of up to $500 per annum from the Commonwealth Government.

Access to the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme
If you’ve made voluntary contributions into your Super SA Select account, you may be eligible for the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme.
Refer to your Super SA member booklet to learn how Super SA can support you on your super journey.
For SA Ambulance Super SA Select members you can find more tailored information about your options here.
Super SA Select’s investment options
Competitive fees and costs
As members serving members, we aim to keep our fees low so you may be able to benefit as much as possible over the long run.

Administration fees and costs
$1.35 a week plus an asset-based fee of 0.05% p.a. of your Super SA Select balance, capped at $325 p.a. Based on account balanced at the end of each month.2

Investment fees and costs
0.55% p.a3

Transaction costs
0.04% p.a.3
The above fees and costs are for the default investment option, Balanced.
For a complete overview of fees and charges, please refer to Super SA Select Product Disclosure Statement.
Great ways to grow your super with Super SA Select
Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset
Earning $37,000 or less each financial year?
If your concessional (before-tax) contributions are being paid to your Super SA Select account, you may be able to boost your super with a Low Income Super Tax Offset (LISTO).
The LISTO sees the Commonwealth Government refund up to a maximum of $500 of the tax deducted on concessional contributions made to Super SA Select throughout the year.
These concessional contributions can include employer contributions and/or salary sacrifice.
The LISTO is calculated as 15% of the concessional contributions your employer makes with a maximum of $500 payable.
First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme
With Super SA Select, the Commonwealth Government’s First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS) Scheme may be available to you!
The FHSS Scheme helps you boost your savings for your first home — by letting you build your home deposit within your Super SA Select account.
To build your deposit, you can make voluntary super contributions of up to $15,000 per financial year and contribute a maximum lifetime cap of $50,000 (existing contribution caps and taxes may apply to these contributions4) over time.
What are the main differences between Triple S and Super SA Select?
The main difference is Super SA Select is a taxed scheme. Triple S is an untaxed, or tax-deferred scheme.4
This means that with Super SA Select, 15% contributions tax is deducted from concessional contributions (employer or salary sacrifice contributions) when they are received.
With Triple S, there’s no tax on the receipt of contributions, the tax is deducted only when you withdraw from the fund.
If you would like to discuss the differences between Triple S and Super SA Select, get in touch with one of our Member Services team members.
Super SA Select
Triple S
LISTO eligibility:
LISTO eligibility:
Investment options:
Two available options
Investment options:
Seven available options
Personal contributions:
Personal contributions:
Concessional contributions cap6:
Yes - capped at $30,000 pa
Concessional contributions cap6:
No, however contributions made to Triple S also count towards the cap if contributions are made to a taxed fund (such as Super SA Select)
Subject to a lifetime untaxed plan cap of $1.78 million for the 2024/25 financial year.
Members maintain insurance through Triple S
Death and Total & Permanent Disablement
Income Protection
Subject to Commonwealth Preservation rules: able to access super from 55 to 60 depending on year of birth and permanently ceasing employment.
For more details go to the Super SA Select Reference Guide
Able to access super from age 55 (subject to applicable tax rates which are determined by your Commonwealth Government preservation age) and ceasing SA public sector employment (apart from rollovers which are subject to Commonwealth Preservation rules).
For more details go to the Triple S Reference Guide.
Taxed status:
Taxed fundI.e. tax is deducted from concessional super contributions and investment earnings upon receipt.
Some tax may be payable on exit.4
I.e. tax is deducted on exit.4
Taxed status:
Tax deferred scheme
Once I become a Super SA Select member can I have my contributions directed to Triple S again?Yes, you will be able to have your contributions directed to Triple S again by making a fund selection back to Triple S.
If you would like more information about contributions to Super SA Select, get in touch with our Member Services team.
Alternatively, sign up for one of our free webinars. -
Will my Triple S balance be taxed if it’s rolled over to Super SA Select?
Yes, 15% tax will be deducted from the untaxed portion of the Triple S balance when it is rolled into Super SA Select.4
This isn’t additional tax as contributions are taxed on exit in Triple S rather than on entry in Super SA Select.
If funds are withdrawn from Super SA Select before age 60 they may be subject to additional tax.4
If you would like more information about switching to Super SA Select, get in touch with our Member Services team.
Why will I still have a Triple S account even after I’ve rolled over my balance into Super SA Select?
When you become a member of Super SA Select, your Triple S account is maintained for insurance purposes as it will provide access to a variety of insurance options you may need, even if you transfer your Triple S account balance to Super SA Select1
If you are a Super SA Select member who holds a Triple S account for insurance only, no administrative fees and costs will be charged while your account balance remains at $0.4
If you would like more information about switching to Super SA Select, get in touch with our Member Services team.
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Here you’ll find all the information you need to develop a better understanding about how you can grow, consolidate and access your super.
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1 Subject to eligibility. For more information on insurance, see the Triple S PDS,
2An additional 0.05% p.a. administration fee and cost is deducted from your investment in relation to an Operational Risk Reserve.
3The Balanced investment management costs for the 2023-24 year. Investment management costs vary from year to year and vary across investment options.
4 For more information on fees and taxes see the Super SA Select Reference guide and Triple S Reference guide.
5 Low Income Super Tax Offset (LISTO) is subject to eligibility.
6 For the 2024-2025 financial year, the Commonwealth Government has set certain caps on the annual concessional contributions that can be made into super before additional tax is applied. Exceeding the cap may result in additional tax being payable. The concessional contribution cap is each financial year and includes contributions made by your employer and any salary sacrifice contributions.