Forms for financial planners


Authority to Release Information to a Third Party

You can request information pertaining to a Super SA member by using our Authority to Release Information form or your own equivalent.

All you need to do is download the form, print it out and fill in the details by hand and have the member sign it1. Then scan it and send it back to We’ll process the authority within one to three business days of receiving the form.

If you would like a schedule showing relevant details of a member's account, please mention this in your covering email. We’ll email the schedule to you after we process the authority.

If your request is for account information on a Defined Benefit Scheme we’ll send out a schedule within 5 to 7 business days. The complex nature of these schemes means it can take a lengthier period of time to create a member schedule.

Authorities are valid for two years from the date of authorisation.

Investment Switching on Behalf of Your Clients

Members are able to make investment switches online via the member portal.

Email the completed forms to


1Super SA does not accept digital signatures at this time.