Fund Selection
Fund Selection
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What is Fund Selection?
If you're considering making a Fund Selection, we encourage you to get professional financial advice first to make sure it’s the right choice for you.
In most cases members can make a Fund Selection, if you have an existing account balance you remain a member of Super SA unless you also transfer your super.
A Fund Selection can only be requested using the South Australian Government’s Fund Selection Notice form (not the standard choice form available through the ATO). You can get this directly from your employer (it is not available through Super SA).
Of course, while you’re employed by the South Australian Government, if you make a Fund Selection to another fund we’ll welcome you back if you decide to return to Super SA – it’s your choice.
Are you a police or ambulance officer?
Special arrangements apply to South Australian Police Officers and South Australian Ambulance Operational staff. For more information, please speak to your employer or refer to Triple S Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Super SA Select Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
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Considering making a fund selection?
Here are some things to consider when deciding what’s right for you:
Employer contributions
Even if you make a Fund Selection to another super fund, the employer contributions payable to the selected fund are still determined under the Triple S Act. This includes:
- timing of contribution payments
- super being paid on your full salary (unless your selected fund contributions are limited to the maximum salary contribution base set by the Commonwealth)
- salary defined the same way as if your employer was contributing to Triple S.
Salary sacrifice arrangements
If you're currently salary sacrificing into Triple S, it's important you know that most arrangements will automatically be transferred to be selected (taxed) fund when you make a Fund Selection away from Super SA, unless you cancel the arrangement.
There are annual limits on the amount of employer and salary sacrifice contributions you can receive in taxed super funds (known as concessional contributions caps) and additional tax can apply if you exceed these limits.
It's especially important for you to speak to a financial planner about whether contributing to an untaxed fund or a taxed fund is best for you.
After-tax contributions will stop
Are you boosting your super with contributions from your take-home pay? Be mindful that any recurring after-tax contributions from your salary will automatically cease when you make a Fund Selection. You will still be able to make one-off contributions if you keep a Triple S or Super SA Select account.
Understanding insurance
Most Triple S members are automatically provided with three units of Standard Death and Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance and Income Protection cover.
Before making a Fund Selection, you should consider how the loss of any insurance offered through Triple S may impact on you. For example, if you fund select away from Triple S, your Income Protection cover will cease but you may be eligible to maintain your Death and TPD Insurance.
For more details regarding the impact of a Fund Selection on insurance benefits, see the Triple S PDS.
Will paying tax now affect your long-term plans?
Triple S is an untaxed fund. So if you’re currently with Triple S, no tax has been deducted from contributions or investment earnings.
The applicable tax (15% on taxable (untaxed) component for transfers) will automatically be deducted upon receipt by a taxed super fund.
Any employer contributions or salary sacrifice contributions made to a taxed fund will have tax taken out as soon as the contributions are paid into the fund.
This means you’ll have less money going towards your super investment.
Processing period
When you make a Fund Selection, your employer has two months to start making super contributions (including any applicable salary sacrifice contributions) to your new fund.
In the meantime, they will continue to pay contributions to the current selected fund or to Triple S if no fund selection is in force.
As a Fund Selection can take a few pay cycles to implement, it could result in a contribution being paid to Triple S, establishing an account balance where fees and costs will be deducted.
Where no contribution has been made to Triple S, free interim insurance cover will still be provided until the fund selection takes effect2, subject to eligibility and no other balance being held in Triple S.
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Seeking financial advice
Your super may be the biggest investment you ever make. That’s why it’s sensible to speak with your financial planner whenever you’re planning something big – like changing funds or investment options. If you don’t have a financial planner, we have information available about how you can find the right financial planner for you.

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2 Unless the fund selection is made to Super SA Select – where insurance cover is provided (and commences premium payments) through Triple S.