Welcome to Super SA
Grow your super with South Australians just like you
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As your super grows, it’s good to know that the people looking after your money have been doing it for SA public sector employees like you for over 120 years. And as an SA owned and operated super fund, we know what it takes to set you on the path to your best life after work.
Your Triple S account is already at work
There are many benefits to being a Triple S member

No annual cap on salary sacrifice contributions1

You can consider early retirement from 552

Competitive 10-year return of 7.23% p.a3

Flexible Death, TPD and IP cover you can tailor4
Confirm your contact details
Even if your employer has your preferred contact details, Super SA may not!
Once you’ve registered for your online account, make sure to confirm your personal email address, mobile number, and postal address. This way, you’ll never miss important updates and invitations to member events.
It’s the only way to make sure that all future correspondence (including your annual statement) is sent to you online. That’s right, bye-bye slow postal mail! Of course, you can change your communications preference anytime through your online account or by calling us.

Book a complimentary seminar or webinar
Whether you’re starting out in your career or have been contributing to super for years, we can help with questions like: ‘How much money will I need to retire?’, ‘What are the benefits of Triple S?’ and ‘How does insurance in my super work?’.
The best part? Member education sessions are available year-round and won’t cost you anything extra (just a bit of your time).
Consider consolidating your super
If you have undertaken other employment outside of the SA public sector, chances are you have other super accounts. By consolidating your super, you’re moving it all into one super provider. You can save on time and energy by managing just one super account.
Simply log in to your myGov account, link to the ATO, and click on Manage my super. (Hint: If you don’t see your Super SA Triple S account listed, you can complete a Consolidate your super now form instead).
Before consolidating your super you should check with your other super fund(s) if rolling out will impact any of your benefits (eg. your insurance cover). You may also consider seeking advice from a financial planner.
Choose the right investment
How you choose to invest today could make a difference to your super balance when you retire. At Super SA, you get to choose the investment option that suits your risk tolerance. Our risk profiler tool is designed to help you. Just by answering a few questions, you can work out the level of investment risk you’re comfortable with, which can guide you with your investment decisions.
Stay with the Triple S Balanced default option or switch?
Most Triple S members are automatically invested in the Balanced option when they join. But did you know there are six other options to consider and that you can invest in more than one?
If you're unsure about which investment option is right for you, you may wish to seek personal financial advice.
Try the risk profiler >
The freedom to save more and boost your balance now
As your earnings and capacity to save grow, you could make a real difference to your balance by making contributions. Use the calculators below to help you plan for the future you want.
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You may already be aware of the benefits of boosting your super with before-tax contributions (i.e. ‘salary sacrifice’ or ‘concessional contributions’) or after-tax contributions. In less than a minute, you could find the most tax-effective way to boost your super, based on your annual income.
Check your insurance
Super SA automatically provides most new SA public sector employees with Income Protection (IP) plus Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance through Triple S (subject to eligibility). It’s up to you to decide if the default amount of insurance provided is right for you. If you’re not sure, we recommend you speak with a financial planner.
For details on how much cover you have, check your Welcome Letter or log in to your secure account. You can also read about ‘Insurance in your super’ in the Triple S Product Disclosure Statement or join our next insurance webinar or seminar.
Learn more
2 Subject to leaving public sector employment. If you access your super earlier than your Commonwealth preservation age, you will need to pay additional tax and this may be detrimental to your retirement savings.
3 Triple S Balanced (the default investment option) ranked above median to 30 June 2024. Source: Chant West Multi-Manager Survey June 2024 (61-80% Growth asset range). Returns are net of investment fees (administration fees apply). Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
4 Subject to being eligible for Death, Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) or Income Protection (IP) cover through Triple S. If you wish to increase your cover you will need to provide health and medical information. Cover may be subject to limitations. Changes to your insurance will have an impact on your insurance premiums. See the Triple S PDS available at supersa.sa.gov.au for further information.